
The power hour 911
The power hour 911

the power hour 911

  • Start engine - let idle to warm up fuel system before resuming normal operation.
  • Fill fuel-filters with 50% Diesel 911 and 50% diesel fuel.
  • Add 80 ounces of Diesel 911 to each 100 gallons of fuel in equipment tanks.
  • Effective in all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel blends containing up to 20% biodiesel (B20).
  • Contains Slickdiesel Lubricator for maximum fuel lubrication - protects pumps and injectors from accelerated wear.
  • Removes water from fuel system - extends life of fuel-filters, fuel-injection pumps and fuel injectors.
  • Power Service Diesel 911 has the following benefits:
  • 55 Gallon Drum Treats 11,000 Gallons (200 per Gallon).
  • 64 Ounce Bottle Treats 250 Gallons (Replaced 80 oz.
  • the power hour 911

    Power Service Diesel 911 Treatment Ratios:

    the power hour 911

    For a premium fuel anti-gel to use over the entire cold season, use Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement. As the name implies "Diesel 911", this is a product for emergency use and should not be used in place off a premium winter fuel anti-gel. It can also be introduced early in the cold weather season to remove the build-up of water and condensation in the fuel system. Power Service Diesel 911 is effective in all diesel fuels, including Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) and biodiesel blends containing up to 20% biodiesel (B20). This specialized formula contains Slickdiesel Lubricator for maximum lubrication of fuel-injection pumps and fuel injectors which protects against accelerated wear. Power Service Diesel 911 de-ices frozen fuel-filters, re-liquefies gelled fuel, prevents fuel-filter icing, removes water from fuel system and extends the life of fuel-filters. Power Service Diesel 911 Emergency Gelled Fuel Liquefier

    The power hour 911